Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Big Changes Occuring with Buttercream

May 3rd, 2011

I am officially starting a Buttercream blog....might not always have to do with baking, but I am sure most of the time it will.  So, check back often as I will write about my life and the ins and outs, the ups and downs to running a baking business, a family, a house and oh yeah...the husband. 

Back to business here..

Finally the new and improved web page is up and running.  Wow, what a process that was.  I hope you find it much easier to navigate through now. I received great feedback from you all during the previous local ginger promos.  As to how hard it was to navigate, pictures didn't show up...too much clicking noises etc...I find my new site to be rejuvenating, exciting and shows off my style and quirky personality!!!

Many new items have been added to the website.  You can now shop and pay online, order items for friends and have them shipped as a surprise.  Who wouldn't love a yummy treat by surprise in the mail?  Better than what you normally get, right?

Be sure and check it out.  If you have any questions or insight you think might be helpful feel free to let me know.  I imagine the first couple of months there will be some kinks to work out...but should be a piece of cake...

Living Social Promo....stay tuned for a new living social promo to be coming out in July...I want to make sure everything is in tip top shape before I run the ad...It will be a good one...you won't be disappointed.

I'll be in touch...jill

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jill, sounds like everything is turning up roses for you...Congrats!! Duke and I are proud of you and am sure Mom and Dad are too. Good luck sweetie
